Within the home, Chrysocolla draws off negative energy, radiating with tranquillity through the practice of meditation allowing us to accept constantly changing situations with serenity.
The Amazing Benefits of Chrysocolla
Chrysocolla is a stone of empowerment, communication , and calming. People who tend to get erratic and are hyper emotional during stressful situations need to carry a piece of Chrysocolla daily. This stone will help in reducing that panic feeling when overwhelmed, and will allow you to have a clear head and a calm mind while making difficult decisions. Chrysocolla will aid in communicating those thoughts while raising your wisdom to achieve these ideas in reality.
Chrysocolla encourages self-awareness, inner balance and imparts confidence and sensitivity all whilst enhancing ones personal power. Chrysocolla also aids in rebalancing the Earth's natural energy.
Physically, chrysocolla has shown to aid with the effects felt with arthritis, period pain, and PMS/menstrual cramps.
Planet – Mercury
Zodiac – Virgo/Gemini/Taurus
Elements – Water
Chakras – Throat/Heart/Root
Calming & Patience, Joy, Balance, Communication, meditation, Truth, stress Relief, Inner Vision, Mastering Fear, Gentle Self Expression, Expanded Awareness, Inner Peace, Peace of Mind
Final Thoughts...
Chrysocolla aids in calming, reenergising and cleansing all of the chakras with the divine energy, but especially the throat, heart and root chakras, drawing out negativity and reverses destructive emotional programming.
Kiri xx